5 good companions for your hebe plant


When thinking of which plants to add to your garden, hebes will be a great option. There are many reasons for this, for example, the hebe being evergreen and very easy to care for. However, filling your entire garden with hebes might be a bit overkill, so we’ve compiled a list of five good companions to plant with your hebes. Garden Beauty wants to advise you on what plants to pair with our hebes. Here are five good companions for your hebe plant!

Combine hebe plants with companions - Garden Beauty

Five good companions to plant with hebes

  1. Catmint - Unlike catnip, catmint doesn’t attract cats to it. It does, however, pair up very well with hebes! This is because catmint likes the sun and well-drained soil, just like hebes do. Catmint also blooms in purple, dainty-looking flowers, which go very well with hebes, since hebe blooms look very similar.
  2. Japanese anemone - Contrary to this plant’s name, the Japanese anemone is native to China. This gorgeous plant got its name from the many years of cultivation in Japan. Just like hebes, Japanese anemones do very well as border plants. They love the semi-shaded parts of your garden and are therefore the perfect addition to a hebe-filled border in a semi-shaded spot.
  3. Cranesbill geranium - Cranesbill geranium is well-known for its hardiness, as well as the pretty violet flowers it produces. This, together with its lush foliage, makes the Cranesbill geranium a perfect pair-up with your hebes. The bloom colours complement each other. They enjoy the same environment, look good together, and they both need very little care. Check our Geraniums online.
  4. Penstemon - Penstemon plants seem to share quite some similarities with hebes. For instance, the penstemon is a shrubby perennial plant that carries beautiful flowers during the summer and prefers the sun to semi-shade. They’re well fit to survive cold winters, given they’re placed in well-drained soil. Penstemon plants will do perfectly when looking for an extra plant to add to a bushy and lush border!
  5. Peony - Peonies can grow relatively tall and carry huge and elegant flowers during the summer. They’re perfect for filling up borders with and like the sun, just like hebes! The size of their blooms makes them a fun addition to hebes' small and dainty flowers, which is why we highly recommend pairing your hebes up with these gorgeous plants.

Order hebes online at Garden Beauty

Now that you’re all read up on which plants to pair with your hebes, it’s time to visit Garden Beauty’s store! Garden Beauty is the place to be when looking for the best hebes for your garden, and you’ll find many other fantastic gardening products for sale as well! Time to upgrade your beautiful backyard with some Garden Beauty Hebes.

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